Thursday, January 26, 2012

Putting Apple's sales number into perspective?

Ok, that is not really possible, but I can try.

When I give presentations to groups on the iPad, I always talk to the magnitude of the shift that is underway. I do this just to try and put into context how insanely huge what it is that Apple is doing. Anyway, I updated a couple of the slides I use and thought I would share the images. Pretty amazing stuff, to say the least.

Here are Apple's sales by Product Category since the first quarter of 2009 (just around $10 billion) to the first quarter 2012 (over $46 billion). Enough said...

Then, just iPad unit sales. They have hit 50 million units sold in 20 months!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Apple Jumps into Digital Textbooks...and More

January 20, 2012 Weekly iPad Digest

January 13, 2012 Weekly iPad Digest

January 6, 2012 Weekly iPad Digest

December 30, 2011 Weekly iPad Digest

December 13, 2011 Weekly iPad Digest